No. of Shares Common Stocks, continued Book Value List of Investaents June 15, 1941, Page 3 1940-41 Market Value Income 250 Blaw Knox Co. 43757.64 (14) $1875.00 (7~) $100.00 50 Caterpillar Tractor 3020.25 (6o) 2293.75 (45) 125.00 100 Continental Oil of Delaware 2982.66 (29) 2275.00 (:2) 75.00 44 Eastman Kodak Co 7570.26 (172) 5797.00 (131) 264.00 150 General American Transportation Co 8352.83 (55) 8137.50 (54J) 450.00 150 General Electric Co 5919.59 (39) 4743.75 (31) 277.50 100 General Motors 4949.29 (49) 3862.50 (38) 375.00 100 Harbison-Walker Refractories 2665.21 (26) 1875.00 (18) 150.00 100 Lone Star Gas 1425.20 (14) 4150.Q0 (41) 70.00 50 Ohio Oil Company 635.69 (12) 462.50 (94) 25.00 50 J C Penney Co 4778.22 (95) 3987.50 ( 79) 250.00 10...