211 Appendix E. Schedule C-2. ENDOWMENT FUNDS THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO Funds as of June 15, 1929: Weyerhaeuser Fund $75,002.18 General Endowment Fund 125,462.50 Campaign Receipts for Endowment 146,000.00 220,000.00* Total Endowment Funds Invested to June 15, 1929 2566,464.68 Received June 15 to October 15, 1929 Account Pledges 53,000.00 Total Endowment Funds Invested to October 15, 1929 $619,464.68 Total Pledges Account Endowment 558,000.00 Paid Account Pledges to 10/15/29 464,000.00 Balance due on Pledges 94,000.00 TOTAL CASH AND PLEDGES ACCOUNT ENDOUENT OCTOBLR 15,1929. . $713,464.68 *A Trust Fund which yields $10,000 annually increases the Endowment Fund by $220,000