It is important to maintain cognitive function in old age, yet the neural substrates that support successful cognitive ageing remain unclear. One factor that might be crucial, but has been overlooked due to limitations of previous data and methods, is the ability of brain networks to flexibly reorganize and coordinate over a millisecond time-scale. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) provides such temporal resolution, and can be combined with Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to characterise transient neural states. We applied HMMs to resting-state MEG data from a large cohort (N=595) of population-based adults (aged 18-88), who also completed a range of cognitive tasks. Using multivariate analysis of neural and cognitive profiles, we found that decreas...
Background The hippocampus is a brain region that is particularly affected by age-related morphologi...
The oldest-old subjects represent the fastest growing segment of society and are at high risk for de...
Healthy aging is accompanied by heterogeneous decline of cognitive abilities among individuals, espe...
International audienceAging is associated with cognitive changes, with strong variations across indi...
Network connectivity is an integral feature of human brain function, and characterising its maturati...
Background:Resting-state recordings are characterized by widely distributed networks of coherent bra...
During normal aging, the brain undergoes structural and functional changes. Many studies applied sta...
The development of large-scale functional organization of the human brain across the lifespan is not...
The development of large-scale functional organization of the human brain across the lifespan is not...
The brain is a very delicate, but sophisticated and complex organ of the body. During life, the brai...
Sleep quality changes dramatically from young to old age, but its effects on brain dynamics and cogn...
UNLABELLED: The maintenance of wellbeing across the lifespan depends on the preservation of cognitiv...
Background: The hippocampus is a brain region that is particularly affected by age-related morpholog...
A reduction in cognitive resources has been originally proposed to account for age-related decrement...
Healthy ageing is accompanied by changes to spontaneous electromagnetic oscillations. At the macrosc...
Background The hippocampus is a brain region that is particularly affected by age-related morphologi...
The oldest-old subjects represent the fastest growing segment of society and are at high risk for de...
Healthy aging is accompanied by heterogeneous decline of cognitive abilities among individuals, espe...
International audienceAging is associated with cognitive changes, with strong variations across indi...
Network connectivity is an integral feature of human brain function, and characterising its maturati...
Background:Resting-state recordings are characterized by widely distributed networks of coherent bra...
During normal aging, the brain undergoes structural and functional changes. Many studies applied sta...
The development of large-scale functional organization of the human brain across the lifespan is not...
The development of large-scale functional organization of the human brain across the lifespan is not...
The brain is a very delicate, but sophisticated and complex organ of the body. During life, the brai...
Sleep quality changes dramatically from young to old age, but its effects on brain dynamics and cogn...
UNLABELLED: The maintenance of wellbeing across the lifespan depends on the preservation of cognitiv...
Background: The hippocampus is a brain region that is particularly affected by age-related morpholog...
A reduction in cognitive resources has been originally proposed to account for age-related decrement...
Healthy ageing is accompanied by changes to spontaneous electromagnetic oscillations. At the macrosc...
Background The hippocampus is a brain region that is particularly affected by age-related morphologi...
The oldest-old subjects represent the fastest growing segment of society and are at high risk for de...
Healthy aging is accompanied by heterogeneous decline of cognitive abilities among individuals, espe...