Tekst powstał w oparciu o notatki opracowywane w 1989 roku przez polską ambasadę w Bukareszcie i dołączane do nich rożne teksy rumuńskich dysydentów, krytyczne wobec reżimu Nicoale Ceauşescu. Urzędnicy ambasady odnotowywali każdy przejaw sprzeciwu i oczekiwali pojawienia się zorgan- izowanej opozycji politycznej. Z ich punktu widzenia odosobnione akty protestu, kierowane w postaci listów otwartych do Prezydenta N. Ceauşescu czy przewodniczącego Związku Pisarzy, nie zwiastowały szybkiego upadku dyktatora. W kontekście wydarzeń z grudnia 1989 roku należy jednak uznać te protesty za świadectwo odrzucenia istniejącego systemu przez większość społeczeństwa. Ich treść i forma świadczą o zrozumieniu oraz trafnym wskazaniu źródeł katastrofalnej syt...
The year 1989 was both in Poland and in many other European countries, which were in the sphere of t...
The article consists of two parts. The first describes the genesis and implementation of the Soviet ...
The article presents a little-known memorial drawn up in December 1917 by a leading activist of the ...
In 1989, Romania belonged to the communist countries, which particularly strongly attacked communis...
The conflict over trade between Poland and Moldavia in the 80s of the 18th century has already elici...
[Contemporary newspaper borderland in the country and abroad (development, analysis, review title)]....
Crisis in Relations between Poland and Romania in 1934–1936 in the Light of Polish Diplomatic Docume...
The history of Polish Underground State’s structures has been the subject of the intensive research ...
The aim of the article is to analyze the position of Polish diplomacy towards the policy pursued in ...
Celem tego artykułu będzie opisanie empirycznego przykładu pozytywnej dewiacji, jakim była aktywność...
Article describes attitude of intellectuals gathered around „Culture” magazine towards ULB countries...
Ever since the emergence in 1931 of the idea of signing a non-aggression pact with the USSR, the Rom...
In April 1932, Marshal Józef Piłsudski attempted to solve the impasse, which marked the Romania‑Sovi...
In the presented article author, for the first time in Polish historiography, so extensively present...
Polishness in PracticeThere were two phases in the post-1989 Polish historical politics as projected...
The year 1989 was both in Poland and in many other European countries, which were in the sphere of t...
The article consists of two parts. The first describes the genesis and implementation of the Soviet ...
The article presents a little-known memorial drawn up in December 1917 by a leading activist of the ...
In 1989, Romania belonged to the communist countries, which particularly strongly attacked communis...
The conflict over trade between Poland and Moldavia in the 80s of the 18th century has already elici...
[Contemporary newspaper borderland in the country and abroad (development, analysis, review title)]....
Crisis in Relations between Poland and Romania in 1934–1936 in the Light of Polish Diplomatic Docume...
The history of Polish Underground State’s structures has been the subject of the intensive research ...
The aim of the article is to analyze the position of Polish diplomacy towards the policy pursued in ...
Celem tego artykułu będzie opisanie empirycznego przykładu pozytywnej dewiacji, jakim była aktywność...
Article describes attitude of intellectuals gathered around „Culture” magazine towards ULB countries...
Ever since the emergence in 1931 of the idea of signing a non-aggression pact with the USSR, the Rom...
In April 1932, Marshal Józef Piłsudski attempted to solve the impasse, which marked the Romania‑Sovi...
In the presented article author, for the first time in Polish historiography, so extensively present...
Polishness in PracticeThere were two phases in the post-1989 Polish historical politics as projected...
The year 1989 was both in Poland and in many other European countries, which were in the sphere of t...
The article consists of two parts. The first describes the genesis and implementation of the Soviet ...
The article presents a little-known memorial drawn up in December 1917 by a leading activist of the ...