The aim of research is to emphasize the significance of career motivation as personality characteristic for successful professional activity. One of the ways of forming students’ professional orientation is to expand their vocational experience, which they acquire in the process of specialty practice.Мета роботи – підкреслити значення кар’єрної мотивації як характеристики особистості для успішної професійної діяльності. Одним із способів формування професійної орієнтації студентів є розширення їхнього професійного досвіду, який вони набувають у процесі практики.Цель работы – подчеркнуть значимость карьерной мотивации как характеристики личности для успешной профессиональной деятельности. Одним из способов формирования профессиональной напра...
A problem of achievement of metasubject result of the educational program by seniors to be one of pr...
The article analyzes the substance of the notions “competence” and “competency”. The authors draw th...
У статті розглянуті концептуальні засади психологічного обстеження абітурієнтів на спеціальність «Пр...
Evolution of higher education of Germany and the specified conducting tendencies of its development ...
The article focuses on the formation of pedagogical creativity in students of higher technical educa...
The article contains analysis of the current software in the field of medicine and proposed for cons...
Introduction of new technologies into production process has provoked various changes on the labor m...
The article considers terminology of the aviation language for specific purposes and its role in for...
Scientific article is devoted to the problems that have arisen in the field of higher education in t...
Educational programs as part of an integrated treatment of asthma should include training in the for...
In today's economic society more and more attention is paid to the professional development of staff...
This article examines innovative technologies and methods in teaching a foreign language, because to...
The article discusses the issues in a holistic specialist training in a modern University in the con...
This article discusses issues associated with implementation of the students graduate qualification ...
The article deals with the issues of determining the specifics of monologue speech in a foreign lang...
A problem of achievement of metasubject result of the educational program by seniors to be one of pr...
The article analyzes the substance of the notions “competence” and “competency”. The authors draw th...
У статті розглянуті концептуальні засади психологічного обстеження абітурієнтів на спеціальність «Пр...
Evolution of higher education of Germany and the specified conducting tendencies of its development ...
The article focuses on the formation of pedagogical creativity in students of higher technical educa...
The article contains analysis of the current software in the field of medicine and proposed for cons...
Introduction of new technologies into production process has provoked various changes on the labor m...
The article considers terminology of the aviation language for specific purposes and its role in for...
Scientific article is devoted to the problems that have arisen in the field of higher education in t...
Educational programs as part of an integrated treatment of asthma should include training in the for...
In today's economic society more and more attention is paid to the professional development of staff...
This article examines innovative technologies and methods in teaching a foreign language, because to...
The article discusses the issues in a holistic specialist training in a modern University in the con...
This article discusses issues associated with implementation of the students graduate qualification ...
The article deals with the issues of determining the specifics of monologue speech in a foreign lang...
A problem of achievement of metasubject result of the educational program by seniors to be one of pr...
The article analyzes the substance of the notions “competence” and “competency”. The authors draw th...
У статті розглянуті концептуальні засади психологічного обстеження абітурієнтів на спеціальність «Пр...