Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry collection of negatives of his expeditions and travels, 1918-1971.; Also available online at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn6248597; Also available as a photograph: PIC Album 865
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...
Title devised by cataloguer from accompanying information.; Part of the collection: Michael Terry co...