Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information Service collection.; Inscriptions: "Two display cases in the exhibition conatain 28 artifacts representative of the Aboriginal tribal culture of central western and northern Australia. Includes necklaces, pearl shells, wooden music sticks, spear heads, wooden clubs......24/9/73."--Printed on verso.; AIS notes--Accompanying information.; Also available online http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn6181093
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on acquisition documentation.; Part of the collection: Papunya Tul...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on acquisition documentation.; Part of the collection: Papunya Tul...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on accompanying information.; Part of the Australian Information S...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from caption list.; Part of the Australian Informat...