Cadastral map of the City of Adelaide and surrounding metropolitan area within a radius of eight miles. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal council districts and hundreds (i.e. parishes), numbered land blocks/sections as well as main roads, railways, rivers and creeks. Radii are used to judge distance from the town centre. However, street level detail is not shown. Relief is shown by hachures with parklands shown pictorially.; Plate [1] from: The New counties, hundreds and district atlas of South Australia and Northern Territory. Adelaide : E.S. Wigg & Son, 1876.; Also available online
Map of the Adelaide Region extending out into the south eastern district of South Australia. The map...
Cadastral map of the hundred of Adelaide, with relief shown by hachures.; Tooley 112.; Also availabl...
Cadastral map of the Adelaide region surrounding and excluding the 'City of Adelaide', and showing 4...
Cadastral map of the City of Adelaide and surrounding metropolitan area within a radius of eight mil...
Cadastral map of the City of Adelaide and surrounding metropolitan area within a radius of eight mil...
Cadastral map of Adelaide and suburbs showing sections, townships, roads, railways and tramways. The...
Map of the County of Adelaide. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal council distri...
Street map of the newly founded city of Adelaide showing the grid of the northern city centre and th...
Map of the Counties of Light and Eyre. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal counci...
Road map of South Australia shows classes of roads, distances and reserves, with tourist information...
Issued as a composite atlas of cadastral maps, this atlas consists of one large main map entitled Pl...
Map of the newly founded city of Adelaide presenting a modest grid for the northern city centre and ...
Map of the Counties of Cardwell, Buckingham, and Mac-Donnell. The map features the names and boundar...
Map of the County of Daly and Stanley. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal counci...
Map of the Counties of Robe and Grey. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal council...
Map of the Adelaide Region extending out into the south eastern district of South Australia. The map...
Cadastral map of the hundred of Adelaide, with relief shown by hachures.; Tooley 112.; Also availabl...
Cadastral map of the Adelaide region surrounding and excluding the 'City of Adelaide', and showing 4...
Cadastral map of the City of Adelaide and surrounding metropolitan area within a radius of eight mil...
Cadastral map of the City of Adelaide and surrounding metropolitan area within a radius of eight mil...
Cadastral map of Adelaide and suburbs showing sections, townships, roads, railways and tramways. The...
Map of the County of Adelaide. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal council distri...
Street map of the newly founded city of Adelaide showing the grid of the northern city centre and th...
Map of the Counties of Light and Eyre. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal counci...
Road map of South Australia shows classes of roads, distances and reserves, with tourist information...
Issued as a composite atlas of cadastral maps, this atlas consists of one large main map entitled Pl...
Map of the newly founded city of Adelaide presenting a modest grid for the northern city centre and ...
Map of the Counties of Cardwell, Buckingham, and Mac-Donnell. The map features the names and boundar...
Map of the County of Daly and Stanley. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal counci...
Map of the Counties of Robe and Grey. The map features the names and boundaries of municipal council...
Map of the Adelaide Region extending out into the south eastern district of South Australia. The map...
Cadastral map of the hundred of Adelaide, with relief shown by hachures.; Tooley 112.; Also availabl...
Cadastral map of the Adelaide region surrounding and excluding the 'City of Adelaide', and showing 4...