Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based on information provided by an independent scholar.; English title in Richard Clough's notebook different.; Printmaker's seal and signature present.; 880-04 Yamada, Nanako. Mokuhan kuchi-e soran 42. 1; Also available online at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn5744876; 880-05 The print was produced as a kuchie frontispiece for an encyclopaedia titled Shoka shokanbun by Mori Ippei.; Richard Clough notebook v. 2, no. 210.Lette
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title devised by cataloguer based o...
Printmaker's seal and signature present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; E...
Printmaker's seal present.; Title taken from the reference source by Nanako Yamada.; English title d...