Title from item. The Japanese print is of a series of prints, created by various printers comipilations, with Toyokuni as the chief printer.; it shows three sets of images; the images of a couple, a Japanese young woman in kimono and one western man, shown separately with some food (possibly raw fish tsuna) and drink next to the images by Utagawa Kunisada; one portrait of Ichigawa Kodanji as a fishmonger, carrying tsuna in its early season by Utagawa Toyokuni; one landscape by Hiroshige ll, including the image of a fishmonger carrying fish in wooden bowls, over a bridge
Print shows the courtesan Michinoku with a female attendant and a boy carrying an umbrella over his ...
Print shows a woman, full-length portrait, standing beneath a tree, wearing kimono and geta, holding...
Print shows a comical scene with a group of people walking along the bank of the Shinobazu Pond, wit...
Title from item. 1!>qi!9!Jf'b~i!&KV+!D-'b~B; Also available online at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn4...
Print shows barges on the waterways near Edo, with Mount Fuji in the distance.Title and other descri...
Print shows scenes from the first three stations on the Tōkaidō Road (Nihonbashi, Shinagawa, and Kaw...
Image of incendiary Oshichi. Includes vignette image (koma-e) above her head showing a famous place ...
Title from item.; Signature: Toyokuni ga (on main picture); Kunihisa ga (on landscape image in the i...
Print shows paper carp streamers hanging from long bamboo poles for the Tango no sekku or seasonal f...
Print shows several kinds of fish including an octopus in a tray, possibly representative of the Kan...
Photograph of a block print: possibly known as "No. 42 Noto Province" (from series Celebrated Treasu...
Japanese print showing street scene in Tokyo with wharf and sailboat in the foreground, parcels on t...
Print shows a bird's-eye view of the Yamashita quarter of Ueno, with the tops of many parasols in th...
Print shows boats in the foreground and pedestrians crossing the Eitai Bridge spanning the river in ...
Print shows Ichimoto of Daimonji-ya, a courtesan, full-length portrait, standing, looking to the rig...
Print shows the courtesan Michinoku with a female attendant and a boy carrying an umbrella over his ...
Print shows a woman, full-length portrait, standing beneath a tree, wearing kimono and geta, holding...
Print shows a comical scene with a group of people walking along the bank of the Shinobazu Pond, wit...
Title from item. 1!>qi!9!Jf'b~i!&KV+!D-'b~B; Also available online at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn4...
Print shows barges on the waterways near Edo, with Mount Fuji in the distance.Title and other descri...
Print shows scenes from the first three stations on the Tōkaidō Road (Nihonbashi, Shinagawa, and Kaw...
Image of incendiary Oshichi. Includes vignette image (koma-e) above her head showing a famous place ...
Title from item.; Signature: Toyokuni ga (on main picture); Kunihisa ga (on landscape image in the i...
Print shows paper carp streamers hanging from long bamboo poles for the Tango no sekku or seasonal f...
Print shows several kinds of fish including an octopus in a tray, possibly representative of the Kan...
Photograph of a block print: possibly known as "No. 42 Noto Province" (from series Celebrated Treasu...
Japanese print showing street scene in Tokyo with wharf and sailboat in the foreground, parcels on t...
Print shows a bird's-eye view of the Yamashita quarter of Ueno, with the tops of many parasols in th...
Print shows boats in the foreground and pedestrians crossing the Eitai Bridge spanning the river in ...
Print shows Ichimoto of Daimonji-ya, a courtesan, full-length portrait, standing, looking to the rig...
Print shows the courtesan Michinoku with a female attendant and a boy carrying an umbrella over his ...
Print shows a woman, full-length portrait, standing beneath a tree, wearing kimono and geta, holding...
Print shows a comical scene with a group of people walking along the bank of the Shinobazu Pond, wit...