Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic collection.; Condition note: Marks and scratches.; Also available in an electronic version via the internet at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn3991445a-s911
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...
Title devised by captioner from accompanying documentation.; Part of the Russ Ashton photographic co...