Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Dakin's classic study Australian seashores, 1946-1989.; Inscriptions: "Patella peroni, Bicheno. Tas., 23.2.86, Isobel Bennett"--In ink on mount.; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn4399966; Published in: W.J. Dakin's classic study Australian seashores : a guide to the temperate shores for the beach-lover, the naturalist, the shore-fisherman and the student. North Ryde, N.S.W. : Angus & Robertson, 1987., p. 269
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...
Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription.; Part of the collection: Illustrations for W.J. Da...