Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; "No. of Lith. L. 124".; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at:; John McEwan & Co. stamp
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land ownership.; "L.224+".; "27.3.88".; Also available i...
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and categories of land holdings.; Also available in an elect...
4th ed. Also available in an electronic version via the internet at:
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; No. o...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; Sheet...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; No. o...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; "L607...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of lands holdings and reserves.; Also...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; No. o...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories ofland holdings and reserves.; "L704"...
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land ownership.; "L.99".; "13.12.93".; At head of title:...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories ofland holdings and reserves.; "L640"...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; "L217...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; Relie...
2nd issue. Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land ownership.; "L.106".; "23.1.95".; Also a...
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land ownership.; "L.224+".; "27.3.88".; Also available i...
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and categories of land holdings.; Also available in an elect...
4th ed. Also available in an electronic version via the internet at:
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; No. o...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; Sheet...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; No. o...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; "L607...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of lands holdings and reserves.; Also...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; No. o...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories ofland holdings and reserves.; "L704"...
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land ownership.; "L.99".; "13.12.93".; At head of title:...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories ofland holdings and reserves.; "L640"...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; "L217...
Cadastral map showing county and parish boundaries, categories of land holdings and reserves.; Relie...
2nd issue. Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land ownership.; "L.106".; "23.1.95".; Also a...
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and land ownership.; "L.224+".; "27.3.88".; Also available i...
Cadastral map showing parish boundaries and categories of land holdings.; Also available in an elect...
4th ed. Also available in an electronic version via the internet at: