Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sievers photographic archive.; Sievers number: 3862-AV.; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at:
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: good.; Inscriptions: "'The gears', gears for the mining industry Vickers-Ruwolt (demolish...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of the collecti...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: good.; Inscriptions: "'The gears', gears for the mining industry Vickers-Ruwolt (demolish...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of the collecti...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...
Condition: Good.; Title devised by cataloguer based on inscription on reverse.; Part of Wolfgang Sie...