Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratched
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering, scratch...
Title devised by cataloguer.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering