Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football events, Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, 23 September 2000. The rowers make their way to the finishing line
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title devised by cataloguer using information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mounta...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...