Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football events, Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, 23 September 2000. The women's race was for six laps of a six kilometre circuit
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...
Title devised by cataloguer based on information from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mou...
Title from the descriptive list.; Part of collection: Mountain bike riding, rowing and football even...