Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Hurley no. A77.; Condition: silvering, edges
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales]; Part o...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; In box labelled "WA Series 60-85, Hurley Collect...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering; mould (?) non-emulsion side.; Caption...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley series: Penrith & Parramatta ...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Conditi...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering; two puncture holes in negative.; Hurl...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering; two puncture holes in negative.; Hurl...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley no.: A95.; Caption from Index...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley series: Sydney Harbour & Manl...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley no.: S129.; See Index, Sydney...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales]; Part o...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; In box labelled "WA Series 60-85, Hurley Collect...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering; mould (?) non-emulsion side.; Caption...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley series: Penrith & Parramatta ...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Conditi...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering; two puncture holes in negative.; Hurl...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial]...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering; two puncture holes in negative.; Hurl...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley no.: A95.; Caption from Index...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley series: Sydney Harbour & Manl...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering.; Hurley no.: S129.; See Index, Sydney...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; Hurley series: [Sydney, New South Wales]; Part o...
Title devised by cataloguer based on Hurley index.; In box labelled "WA Series 60-85, Hurley Collect...
Part of the Hurley negative collection.; Condition: silvering; mould (?) non-emulsion side.; Caption...