Purpose: Two-year longitudinal follow-up data evaluated the behavioral impact of Resilient Families, a universal intervention that aimed to prevent early initiation and frequent and heavy adolescent alcohol use in secondary schools in Melbourne, Australia. Methods: Of 24 secondary schools (62% of those approached), 12 were randomly assigned to intervention and 12 as controls. Intervention students received a social relationship curriculum; their parents received parent education handbooks and invitations to parent education events outlining strategies to encourage healthy adolescent development and reduce adolescent alcohol misuse. At Wave 1 (2004), students were in Year 7 secondary school (mean age, 12.3 years). Data were imputed for stude...
This cluster randomised control trial is designed to evaluate whether the Communities That Care inte...
BackgroundEarly and heavy drinking by young adolescents is linked to intellectual impairment, increa...
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to map and identify evidence for effective components of comb...
Objective: To examine risk moderation of an alcohol intervention targeting parents and adolescents. ...
Aims To evaluate the effectiveness of two preventive interventions to reduce heavy drinking in first...
Objective: To examine risk moderation of an alcohol intervention targeting parents and adolescents. ...
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental intervention...
Background Involvement of parents/carers may increase the effectiveness of primary school-based alc...
Abstract Background This cluster randomised control trial is designed to evaluate whether the Commun...
Background: Alcohol use in young people remains a public health concern, with adverse impacts on out...
Introduction: Universal interventions for preventing substance use are important priorities for scho...
Purpose – Involvement of parents/carers may increase effectiveness of primary school-based alcohol-...
This article reports adolescent substance use outcomes of universal family and school preventive int...
Despite a decline in Australian adolescents reporting to have consumed alcohol, a high proportion of...
BACKGROUND: Alcohol use in young people remains a public health concern, with adverse impacts on out...
This cluster randomised control trial is designed to evaluate whether the Communities That Care inte...
BackgroundEarly and heavy drinking by young adolescents is linked to intellectual impairment, increa...
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to map and identify evidence for effective components of comb...
Objective: To examine risk moderation of an alcohol intervention targeting parents and adolescents. ...
Aims To evaluate the effectiveness of two preventive interventions to reduce heavy drinking in first...
Objective: To examine risk moderation of an alcohol intervention targeting parents and adolescents. ...
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental intervention...
Background Involvement of parents/carers may increase the effectiveness of primary school-based alc...
Abstract Background This cluster randomised control trial is designed to evaluate whether the Commun...
Background: Alcohol use in young people remains a public health concern, with adverse impacts on out...
Introduction: Universal interventions for preventing substance use are important priorities for scho...
Purpose – Involvement of parents/carers may increase effectiveness of primary school-based alcohol-...
This article reports adolescent substance use outcomes of universal family and school preventive int...
Despite a decline in Australian adolescents reporting to have consumed alcohol, a high proportion of...
BACKGROUND: Alcohol use in young people remains a public health concern, with adverse impacts on out...
This cluster randomised control trial is designed to evaluate whether the Communities That Care inte...
BackgroundEarly and heavy drinking by young adolescents is linked to intellectual impairment, increa...
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to map and identify evidence for effective components of comb...