Dordt Thalians Rehearse in Serious Comedy; Kobes Sustains Examination; Nixon Loses Support at Club Fair; Workshop Attracts Dordt Journalists; Editorial; Letters to the Editor; A Re-Defining Process; Van Dyk Reports Cornell a Challenge; Hulst Critiques Involvement Week; Information Forum; Dordt Ecologists Study Lakes; Class of \u2777 Vote in; Chapel Committee Begins Revival; Dr. Joel Nederhood: Proclaiming Christ in the Fullest Sense; Students Escape to Union County; Healthy Atmosphere or Controlled Environment ?; Summer Jobs Provide a Look at Life; On Smashing and Those Other Athletes; Student Job Plugged by Profs; Mini-Teaching on This Semester; Signet Determined to Give Realistic Portrayal; News Flash; OCTC Generates Happy Marriage ...