The Nadu dance is performed in a straight line. The Medje names of the instruments were:- Conical drum - Nabita, large bell drum - Nedundu, Slit drum - Nekbokbo, Pod drum - Emandru, Double metal bell - Nenbongbo, Basket rattle - Nezeza. The Medje have earned for themselves a reputation for singing and dancing. The steps of their dances are simple but most effective en masse. Marriage dance with 4 conical laced drums, 1 large bell slit drum, 2 pod slit drums, 2 small slit drums, 1 double metal bell, 1 metal hand bell and 6 basket rattles
Fwanda-fwanda dance song with 3 conical drums. 1) Akanono, 2)Cimbulunge, 3) Fwanda fwand
The four drummers were the chief singers together with their women. Malimba 2 xylophones, on frames ...
The item starts with the sound of the double bell and a weighted drum, follwed by the recitative sta...
Marriage dance song accompanied by 4 conical laced drums, 1 large bell slit drum, 2 pod slit drums, ...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The Mampenenga is danced in silence to the accompaniment of the drums. The dancers, all men wore lon...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The Mangala dance is usually performed with bell rattles tied onto the ankles, the performers standi...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The music for the Zande round dance. All the dancers perform the same steps in unison, short quick s...
Ilunga vensa dance for men and women with 2 Silimba xylophones, 1 slit drum, 3 goblet drums weighted...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The double headed drums may be beaten at either end according to the pitch of note required by the p...
The drums were brought in order. The small time keeper first. All were played with sticks except Tew...
"I will go towards Nyantungu until I reach Kaluguyu." Four men and women were playing the one drum, ...
Fwanda-fwanda dance song with 3 conical drums. 1) Akanono, 2)Cimbulunge, 3) Fwanda fwand
The four drummers were the chief singers together with their women. Malimba 2 xylophones, on frames ...
The item starts with the sound of the double bell and a weighted drum, follwed by the recitative sta...
Marriage dance song accompanied by 4 conical laced drums, 1 large bell slit drum, 2 pod slit drums, ...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The Mampenenga is danced in silence to the accompaniment of the drums. The dancers, all men wore lon...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The Mangala dance is usually performed with bell rattles tied onto the ankles, the performers standi...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The music for the Zande round dance. All the dancers perform the same steps in unison, short quick s...
Ilunga vensa dance for men and women with 2 Silimba xylophones, 1 slit drum, 3 goblet drums weighted...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
The double headed drums may be beaten at either end according to the pitch of note required by the p...
The drums were brought in order. The small time keeper first. All were played with sticks except Tew...
"I will go towards Nyantungu until I reach Kaluguyu." Four men and women were playing the one drum, ...
Fwanda-fwanda dance song with 3 conical drums. 1) Akanono, 2)Cimbulunge, 3) Fwanda fwand
The four drummers were the chief singers together with their women. Malimba 2 xylophones, on frames ...
The item starts with the sound of the double bell and a weighted drum, follwed by the recitative sta...