Ilutaimede tootmisel kasutatakse potistamis substraadina suurtes kogustes turvast, mille varud vähenevad kiirelt. Sellepärast otsitakse turbale sobilikke alternatiivseid materjale. Töö eesmärgiks oli uurida haljastusjäätmete komposti ning majapidamisjäätmete komposti sobilikkust kasvusubstraadiks konteinertaimede kasvatuses. Töö on koostatud erinevate teadusartiklite põhjal, võrreldes nendest saadud informatsiooni. Töö tulemusena ilmnes, et mõlemal kompostil on negatiivseid keemilisi omadusi, mis limiteerivad nende kasutamist, nt liiga kõrge pH. Haljastusjäätmete komposti positiivseks omaduseks oli K ja Ca kõrge sisaldus, samas on nende kompostide keemilised omadused vägagi erinevad, olenevalt algmaterjalist. Majapidamisjäätmete puhul osutu...
Kompostlama belediye katı atıklarının yok edilmesi için en fazla tercih edilen yöntemlerden birisidi...
Purpose: Due to environmental concerns, there is a demand to reduce the use of peat as a growing med...
Torv er det vanligst brukte vekstmediet i kommersiell drivhusproduksjon, men er ønsket utfaset på gr...
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli selgitada komposteeritud reoveesette mõju kasvusubstraadi omadustele ...
Peat mined from endangered wetland ecosystems is generally used as a component in soilless potting m...
Didėjant žmonių populiacijai, didėja vartotojiškumas, kas lemia augantį atliekų kiekį pasaulyje. Did...
Including urban composts in nursery growing media could reduce peat use and promote new markets for ...
Peat is the most representative component in the preparation of growing media used in horticulture. ...
Green waste contributes significantly to the total waste generated in the Melbourne area. As public ...
Thousands of tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are produced every day, and consignment to landfi...
In the plant nursery sector, efforts have been made for some time to partially or totally replace pe...
Puidutööstuses tekib jäätmeid mida ei ole võimalik materjalina ringlusesse suunata. Mõnikord jäetaks...
Commercially produced green waste compost from urban areas was evaluated for its suitability to repl...
Municipal solid waste compost produced in Portage, WI was evaluated as a replacement for peat in co...
Pasaulyje, tuo pačiu ir Lietuvoje kasmet susikaupia dideli kiekiai įvairiausių atliekų. Jų utilizav...
Kompostlama belediye katı atıklarının yok edilmesi için en fazla tercih edilen yöntemlerden birisidi...
Purpose: Due to environmental concerns, there is a demand to reduce the use of peat as a growing med...
Torv er det vanligst brukte vekstmediet i kommersiell drivhusproduksjon, men er ønsket utfaset på gr...
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli selgitada komposteeritud reoveesette mõju kasvusubstraadi omadustele ...
Peat mined from endangered wetland ecosystems is generally used as a component in soilless potting m...
Didėjant žmonių populiacijai, didėja vartotojiškumas, kas lemia augantį atliekų kiekį pasaulyje. Did...
Including urban composts in nursery growing media could reduce peat use and promote new markets for ...
Peat is the most representative component in the preparation of growing media used in horticulture. ...
Green waste contributes significantly to the total waste generated in the Melbourne area. As public ...
Thousands of tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are produced every day, and consignment to landfi...
In the plant nursery sector, efforts have been made for some time to partially or totally replace pe...
Puidutööstuses tekib jäätmeid mida ei ole võimalik materjalina ringlusesse suunata. Mõnikord jäetaks...
Commercially produced green waste compost from urban areas was evaluated for its suitability to repl...
Municipal solid waste compost produced in Portage, WI was evaluated as a replacement for peat in co...
Pasaulyje, tuo pačiu ir Lietuvoje kasmet susikaupia dideli kiekiai įvairiausių atliekų. Jų utilizav...
Kompostlama belediye katı atıklarının yok edilmesi için en fazla tercih edilen yöntemlerden birisidi...
Purpose: Due to environmental concerns, there is a demand to reduce the use of peat as a growing med...
Torv er det vanligst brukte vekstmediet i kommersiell drivhusproduksjon, men er ønsket utfaset på gr...