Šio darbo tiriamasis objektas yra vienas iš daugelio vaistinių augalų. Tai aromatinis, daugiametis vijoklinis augalas - Paprastasis apynys (Humulus lupulus L.), kuris savaime auga visoje Lietuvos teritorijoje. Kiti jo liaudiški pavadinimai: apynas, apvynas, apvynys, puronas, vynia. Liaudies medicinoje apynių spurgai jau VIII a. buvo žinomi ir vartojami nuo nemigos, kaip nervus raminamoji, virškinimą gerinanti, šlapimo išsiskyrimą skatinanti, skausmus ir traukulius slopinanti priemonė, nuo kosulio, karščiavimo, viduriavimo, uždegimų, reumato. Iš spurgų daromos kimštinės pagalvėlės, dedamos po galva sergantiems nemiga, nes pamažu išsiskiriantys eteriniai aliejai veikia raminamai. Apynių spurgai yra kombinuotų raminamųjų preparatų sudedamoji d...
This study investigated the volatile phytochemical diversity of 30 samples obtained from experimenta...
The Humulus lupulus L. is a species in the Cannabaceae family. Hop, as is commonly known, is a peren...
Hop cones have lupulin glands which occur on the outer lower surface of the bracteoles and the entir...
Humulus lupulus (H. lupulus) L., more commonly known as hops, is a member of the Cannabaceae family ...
This study describes the analysis of total hops essential oils from 18 cultivated varieties of hops,...
The main aim of investigations was to identify chemotypes and determine differences between some dom...
Darbe buvo koncentruojamasi ties eterinių aliejų tyrimais. Šie tyrimai yra aktualūs, nes nustatoma v...
Hmelj (Humulus lupulus L.) v pivovarstvu predstavlja eno ključnih komponent, ki vpliva na okus in ar...
Namen raziskave je bil določiti botanično pristnost hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.). Z analizo vsebnosti...
The phytochemical composition of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) makes it a vital raw material for the brew...
This thesis deals with the variability of hop oils in the hop cones. Hops is the most important raw ...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with quadrupole accurate mass time-of-flight mass s...
Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti laukinių ir lietuviškų veislių apynių spurgų fitocheminę analizę, įverti...
Polish cultivars of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) are well known as aroma and bitter raw material in the ...
The characteristic hoppy aroma is directly correlated with the chemical composition of its volatile ...
This study investigated the volatile phytochemical diversity of 30 samples obtained from experimenta...
The Humulus lupulus L. is a species in the Cannabaceae family. Hop, as is commonly known, is a peren...
Hop cones have lupulin glands which occur on the outer lower surface of the bracteoles and the entir...
Humulus lupulus (H. lupulus) L., more commonly known as hops, is a member of the Cannabaceae family ...
This study describes the analysis of total hops essential oils from 18 cultivated varieties of hops,...
The main aim of investigations was to identify chemotypes and determine differences between some dom...
Darbe buvo koncentruojamasi ties eterinių aliejų tyrimais. Šie tyrimai yra aktualūs, nes nustatoma v...
Hmelj (Humulus lupulus L.) v pivovarstvu predstavlja eno ključnih komponent, ki vpliva na okus in ar...
Namen raziskave je bil določiti botanično pristnost hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.). Z analizo vsebnosti...
The phytochemical composition of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) makes it a vital raw material for the brew...
This thesis deals with the variability of hop oils in the hop cones. Hops is the most important raw ...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with quadrupole accurate mass time-of-flight mass s...
Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti laukinių ir lietuviškų veislių apynių spurgų fitocheminę analizę, įverti...
Polish cultivars of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) are well known as aroma and bitter raw material in the ...
The characteristic hoppy aroma is directly correlated with the chemical composition of its volatile ...
This study investigated the volatile phytochemical diversity of 30 samples obtained from experimenta...
The Humulus lupulus L. is a species in the Cannabaceae family. Hop, as is commonly known, is a peren...
Hop cones have lupulin glands which occur on the outer lower surface of the bracteoles and the entir...