Besikeičianti ekonominė – socialinė aplinka įtakoja įmonių tarpusavio konkurenciją bei didelį šios temos aktualumą. Dėl to, kad ekonominiai ir socialiniai santykiai greitai keičiasi darbdaviai plečiant verslą susiduria su sunkumais. Ne vienas darbdavys yra susidūręs su situacija, kuomet jo įmonės apmokytas ir gerai dirbantis darbuotojas pereina dirbti pas konkurentus. Kartu perėjimu asmuo išsineša su savimi ir įgytas žinias, informaciją apie buvusio darbdavio veiklą, kainų politiką, ar kitą informaciją. Dėl šios priežasties, verslininkai pastaruoju metu ypač dažnai skatina tiek esamus, tiek naujus darbuotojus įsidarbinant prisiimti papildomus įsipareigojimus - susitarimus dėl nekonkuravimo. Magistro darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti susitarimus ...
The research carried out by the author of the article in 2011, showed that in cases of simplified pr...
A constitution establishes legal order in a state. By consolidating the values and interests of a na...
Legislative regulation of quality of product and services is very important for economy of every cou...
Commercial secret has a broad protection under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. For example: M...
Due to its specificity, the legal institute of preliminary agreement poses a number of questions. Th...
A practising lawyer is not always aware of the fact that case decisions are more determined by legal...
The development of technologies leads the society to constant social and legal issues. The copyright...
Lietuvos Respublikos akcinių bendrovių įstatymas numato, kad „kiekvienas akcininkas bendrovėje turi ...
Pacta de quota litis is one of the agreements allowing to render legal aid on which the remuneration...
Nuosavybės teisių atkūrimas yra laikmečio aktualija, nulemta tam tikrų istorinių aplinkybių, todėl j...
Each developed economic system is based on the principle of division of labor and can’t be imagined ...
The regulation of the witness examination in Criminal procedure code of the Republic of Lithuania do...
Ne bis in idem principle (or non bis in idem), as enshrined in Article 4 of Protocol 7 to the Europe...
This article presents a new institution, which an engagement to get married (betrothal). Taking into...
The purposes of the regulation of customs work are different and sometimes even contradictory. On th...
The research carried out by the author of the article in 2011, showed that in cases of simplified pr...
A constitution establishes legal order in a state. By consolidating the values and interests of a na...
Legislative regulation of quality of product and services is very important for economy of every cou...
Commercial secret has a broad protection under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. For example: M...
Due to its specificity, the legal institute of preliminary agreement poses a number of questions. Th...
A practising lawyer is not always aware of the fact that case decisions are more determined by legal...
The development of technologies leads the society to constant social and legal issues. The copyright...
Lietuvos Respublikos akcinių bendrovių įstatymas numato, kad „kiekvienas akcininkas bendrovėje turi ...
Pacta de quota litis is one of the agreements allowing to render legal aid on which the remuneration...
Nuosavybės teisių atkūrimas yra laikmečio aktualija, nulemta tam tikrų istorinių aplinkybių, todėl j...
Each developed economic system is based on the principle of division of labor and can’t be imagined ...
The regulation of the witness examination in Criminal procedure code of the Republic of Lithuania do...
Ne bis in idem principle (or non bis in idem), as enshrined in Article 4 of Protocol 7 to the Europe...
This article presents a new institution, which an engagement to get married (betrothal). Taking into...
The purposes of the regulation of customs work are different and sometimes even contradictory. On th...
The research carried out by the author of the article in 2011, showed that in cases of simplified pr...
A constitution establishes legal order in a state. By consolidating the values and interests of a na...
Legislative regulation of quality of product and services is very important for economy of every cou...