Šiuolaikinė medicina siūlo platų sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų spektrą. Tarp jų ir tokias procedūras, kurios kelia nemažai etinių klausimų. Sveikatos priežiūros specialistai atsisako atlikti šias procedūras, motyvuodami tuo, kad jos prieštarauja jų sąžinei. Sąžinės laisvė yra viena iš žmogaus teisių, tačiau nesutariama, kiek laisvai šia teise galima naudotis medicinos praktikoje. Valstybės vengia šią teisę įtvirtinti savo teisės aktuose arba reglamentuoja neišsamiai. Darbe ginčijama, kad sveikatos priežiūros specialistai turi teisę į sąžinės laisvę ir tik teisės atsisakyti atlikti medicinines procedūras, kurios prieštarauja jų sąžinei, moraliniams, religiniams įsitikinimams, išsamus reglamentavimas valstybių nacionaliniuose teisės aktuose ...
How should the government res pond if people refuse standard medical treatment? What should the gove...
While abortion has been legal in most developed countries for many years, the topic remains controve...
The current approach to guaranteeing rights of conscience depends on the recognition of a human (and...
Doctors' Right to Withhold Medical Care Abstract Very little attention is being paid to the rights d...
Na področju medicine se ugovor vesti razume kot zavrnitev nečesa, kar ni v skladu s posameznikovo ve...
Various international treaties, as well as the European Court of Human Rights, guarantee the exercis...
The recent social and legal debate in several European countries on abortion, euthanasia, and assist...
Competent patients who refuse life saving medical treatment present a dilemma for healthcare profess...
Hukukumuzda ilk kez 1928 yılında yayınlanan 1219 sayılı Tababet ve Şuabatı Sanatlarının Tarzı İcrası...
The Agreements on spiritual care in penitentiary, health and social centers, signed between the Croa...
Patient blood transfusion refusal is one of the most dramatic and complicated events physicians must...
Across Canada, health care institutions that operate under the umbrella of religious traditions refu...
Tedaviyi ret hakkı bireyin kendisine gerçekleştirilebilecek tıbbi uygulamalar konusunda bilgilendiri...
More and more, medical practitioners are being told that they must either compromise their beliefs a...
Bilinci açık, oryante ve koopere bir hastanın kendi isteği ile tedaviyi kabul etmemesi durumunda yas...
How should the government res pond if people refuse standard medical treatment? What should the gove...
While abortion has been legal in most developed countries for many years, the topic remains controve...
The current approach to guaranteeing rights of conscience depends on the recognition of a human (and...
Doctors' Right to Withhold Medical Care Abstract Very little attention is being paid to the rights d...
Na področju medicine se ugovor vesti razume kot zavrnitev nečesa, kar ni v skladu s posameznikovo ve...
Various international treaties, as well as the European Court of Human Rights, guarantee the exercis...
The recent social and legal debate in several European countries on abortion, euthanasia, and assist...
Competent patients who refuse life saving medical treatment present a dilemma for healthcare profess...
Hukukumuzda ilk kez 1928 yılında yayınlanan 1219 sayılı Tababet ve Şuabatı Sanatlarının Tarzı İcrası...
The Agreements on spiritual care in penitentiary, health and social centers, signed between the Croa...
Patient blood transfusion refusal is one of the most dramatic and complicated events physicians must...
Across Canada, health care institutions that operate under the umbrella of religious traditions refu...
Tedaviyi ret hakkı bireyin kendisine gerçekleştirilebilecek tıbbi uygulamalar konusunda bilgilendiri...
More and more, medical practitioners are being told that they must either compromise their beliefs a...
Bilinci açık, oryante ve koopere bir hastanın kendi isteği ile tedaviyi kabul etmemesi durumunda yas...
How should the government res pond if people refuse standard medical treatment? What should the gove...
While abortion has been legal in most developed countries for many years, the topic remains controve...
The current approach to guaranteeing rights of conscience depends on the recognition of a human (and...