Šiame magistro tezių darbe pristatomi Šūtkos romų bendruomenėje atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrime buvo siekiama identifikuoti žemo romų moterų užimtumo priežastis Šūtkos darbo rinkoje. Pagrindinis dėmesys darbe skiriamas 13-26 metų nuolatos Šūtkoje gyvenančioms romų moterims ir merginoms. Statistinių duomenų analizės parodė, jog romų moterų užimtumo situacija Šūtkos darbo rinkoje – gerokai skiriasi nuo romų vyrų, ketvirtadalis romų moterų čia gyvena žemiau skurdo ribos. Pirmoje studijos dalyje, skaitytojai yra supažindami su tyrimo metu taikytomis antropologinių, sociologinių bei istorinių disciplinų teorijomis. Tyrimo analizė paremta esmine Walby (2007) suformuluota ir pateikta socialinių kategorijų sąveikos (angl. intersectionality) teori...
This study sets out to analyse the social and legal situation of the Roma and the policies of inclus...
This paper puts a special accent on the Roma female reproductive population and its behaviour concer...
Bu çalışmada, Roman Kimliğinin algılanma sürecinde; Kimlik, sosyal dışlanma, yoksulluk ve sosyal al...
U radu su prikazani rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja u kojem je sudjelovalo šest socijalnih radn...
The Roma are both the largest ‘minority’ ethnic group in Central and South Eastern Europe and the o...
Zdi se, da v današnjih časih zaposlitev postaja vse bolj zahteven projekt, kar povečuje tveganja soc...
Cilj rada bio je opisati kako Romkinje oblikuju vlastite rodne uloge u kontekstu života u romskim za...
In the current study, we analyze the effect of having a Roma background on women's wages. By utilizi...
This study focuses on the labour markets impact on Roma identity. The novel question this study add...
The Roma are both the largest ‘minority’ ethnic group in Central and South-Eastern Europe (CSEE) and...
YÖK Tez: 598343Sosyal dışlanma, genel bir biçimde bireylerin toplumla olan ilişkilerinin zayıflık ve...
This diploma deals with the problem of the participation of Roma in the work market. The scope of th...
The Roma are historically one of the most discriminated against minorities in the world. Experiences...
This paper looks at the situation of vulnerable Roma in the labour market in twelve countries of Cen...
The Roma are one of the most marginalized ethnical groups with many economical, social and cultural...
This study sets out to analyse the social and legal situation of the Roma and the policies of inclus...
This paper puts a special accent on the Roma female reproductive population and its behaviour concer...
Bu çalışmada, Roman Kimliğinin algılanma sürecinde; Kimlik, sosyal dışlanma, yoksulluk ve sosyal al...
U radu su prikazani rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja u kojem je sudjelovalo šest socijalnih radn...
The Roma are both the largest ‘minority’ ethnic group in Central and South Eastern Europe and the o...
Zdi se, da v današnjih časih zaposlitev postaja vse bolj zahteven projekt, kar povečuje tveganja soc...
Cilj rada bio je opisati kako Romkinje oblikuju vlastite rodne uloge u kontekstu života u romskim za...
In the current study, we analyze the effect of having a Roma background on women's wages. By utilizi...
This study focuses on the labour markets impact on Roma identity. The novel question this study add...
The Roma are both the largest ‘minority’ ethnic group in Central and South-Eastern Europe (CSEE) and...
YÖK Tez: 598343Sosyal dışlanma, genel bir biçimde bireylerin toplumla olan ilişkilerinin zayıflık ve...
This diploma deals with the problem of the participation of Roma in the work market. The scope of th...
The Roma are historically one of the most discriminated against minorities in the world. Experiences...
This paper looks at the situation of vulnerable Roma in the labour market in twelve countries of Cen...
The Roma are one of the most marginalized ethnical groups with many economical, social and cultural...
This study sets out to analyse the social and legal situation of the Roma and the policies of inclus...
This paper puts a special accent on the Roma female reproductive population and its behaviour concer...
Bu çalışmada, Roman Kimliğinin algılanma sürecinde; Kimlik, sosyal dışlanma, yoksulluk ve sosyal al...