Demokratija yra viena dominuojančių valstybės valdymo formų. Šiandieninėjė visuomenė ši valdymo forma yra ypatingai svarbi, nes taip siekiama įtvirtinti vienodas vertybes, taip prisidedant prie demokratinės taikos teorijos. Šios politinės sistemos užtikrinimas vyksta per demokratizacijos procesus, kurie vyksta politinėje, ekonominėje ir pilietinėje sferoje. Demokratizacijos procesų ir institucijų užtikrinimas visada buvo komplikuotas Pietryčių Europje dėl politinių, istorinių priežasčių. Ilgą laikotarpį šiame regione esančios valstybės neturėjo jokios demokratinės patirties. Šis regionas ypatingo dėmėsio sulaukė po Jugoslavijos subyrėjimo, kai atskilusios valstybės nusprendė demokratizuotis. Valstybės šiame regione per pastaruosius du dešim...
Although most countries of the Western Balkans are in various stages of the EU accession, their prog...
The paper analyses the three-stage model of democratisation elaborated in the ‘80s on the experience...
This article explores the role of the European Union in promoting democatisation of the countries in...
Demokratizacija je naziv za proces u kojem se uređenje jedne države preoblikuje i prolazi kroz tranz...
Demokratizacija je naziv za proces u kojem se uređenje jedne države preoblikuje i prolazi kroz tranz...
This diploma thesis concerns itself with the influence of the European Union on the democratization ...
Over time it became clear that the EU's most powerful foreign policy tool for democracy promotion in...
Diplomsko delo analizira spremembe volilnih sistemov, tranzicijske procese in s tem dokončno konsoli...
Croatia remains largely left out of comparative studies of post-communism even though its political ...
Croatia remains largely left out of comparative studies of postcommunism even though its political d...
This diploma thesis concerns itself with the influence of the European Union on the democratization ...
Šio magistro darbo tyrimo problema yra faktoriai, trukdantys tiek demokratizacijos procesui, tiek de...
Komparativnom makro-povijesnom analizom utvrđeno je da se akteri koji su vodili Poljsku i Hrvatsku p...
After 1989, along with the collapse of Soviet Union, Central and Eastern European countries the demo...
Ovaj esej je pripremljen na Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, Center for German and ...
Although most countries of the Western Balkans are in various stages of the EU accession, their prog...
The paper analyses the three-stage model of democratisation elaborated in the ‘80s on the experience...
This article explores the role of the European Union in promoting democatisation of the countries in...
Demokratizacija je naziv za proces u kojem se uređenje jedne države preoblikuje i prolazi kroz tranz...
Demokratizacija je naziv za proces u kojem se uređenje jedne države preoblikuje i prolazi kroz tranz...
This diploma thesis concerns itself with the influence of the European Union on the democratization ...
Over time it became clear that the EU's most powerful foreign policy tool for democracy promotion in...
Diplomsko delo analizira spremembe volilnih sistemov, tranzicijske procese in s tem dokončno konsoli...
Croatia remains largely left out of comparative studies of post-communism even though its political ...
Croatia remains largely left out of comparative studies of postcommunism even though its political d...
This diploma thesis concerns itself with the influence of the European Union on the democratization ...
Šio magistro darbo tyrimo problema yra faktoriai, trukdantys tiek demokratizacijos procesui, tiek de...
Komparativnom makro-povijesnom analizom utvrđeno je da se akteri koji su vodili Poljsku i Hrvatsku p...
After 1989, along with the collapse of Soviet Union, Central and Eastern European countries the demo...
Ovaj esej je pripremljen na Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, Center for German and ...
Although most countries of the Western Balkans are in various stages of the EU accession, their prog...
The paper analyses the three-stage model of democratisation elaborated in the ‘80s on the experience...
This article explores the role of the European Union in promoting democatisation of the countries in...