Niniejsza praca magisterska jest poświęcona zagadnieniu płci w języku i kulturze, które zostanie ukazane z perspektywy dwu sąsiednich kultur – polskiej i litewskiej. Celem pracy jest ukazanie językowych sposobów wyrażania płci żeńskiej na płaszczyźnie leksykalnej i słowotwórczej w języku polskim i litewskim. Norma oraz zwyczaj językowy w zakresie nazw żeńskich odtworzone zostały w tej pracy na podstawie opracowań normatywistycznych oraz licznych, zwłaszcza w języku polskim, prac językoznawczych. Najnowsze tendencje natomiast zostały zilustrowane przykładami pochodzącymi ze współczesnych tekstów prasowych. Materiał do analizy językowej uzyskano metodą słownikową oraz metodą ekscerpcji wybiórczej. Bazą źródłową posłużyły dane językowe zawarte...
The feminist interpretation of The Dictionary of the language of Jan Chryzostom Pasek consisted in s...
The names of values in the linguistic worldview of LithuaniansReviewKristina Rutkovska, Marius Smeto...
This article presents selected aspects of grammatical gender by addressing the issue of gender in di...
This article analyses the intertextual meanings of Lithuanian literature, how they are interpreted, ...
Lithuanian conjurations (zagovory) constitute a unique part of Lithuanian folklore. In the collectio...
The article provides the analysis of the linguistic picture of mother in contemporary Lithuanian lit...
Dr. Zita Virginija Šimėnaitė (1950–2016) Dr. Zita Šimėnaitė passed away on the 1st of August, 2016....
The meaning of bilingual corpora in the Polish-Lithuanian comparative studiesIn his article, the aut...
This paper reviews the more important standpoints concerning interlinguistic homonymy in a broad sen...
The aim of this research was to establish and describe the most important phonemic patterns of Lithu...
2022 02 07 one of the most famous linguists in the world, founder of Polish cognitive ethnolinguisti...
Jurbarko apylinkių tekstai. Sudarė Vilija Sakalauskienė, kompaktinė plokštelė sudarė Asta Leskauskai...
Pointing to manifold and long-lasting connections between feminism and translation, the article first...
All dialects are beautifulThe text presents the publication Visos tarmės gražiausios… Tarmių medžiag...
Review This text is a review of the Lithuanian language monumental work entitled XXI a. pradžios li...
The feminist interpretation of The Dictionary of the language of Jan Chryzostom Pasek consisted in s...
The names of values in the linguistic worldview of LithuaniansReviewKristina Rutkovska, Marius Smeto...
This article presents selected aspects of grammatical gender by addressing the issue of gender in di...
This article analyses the intertextual meanings of Lithuanian literature, how they are interpreted, ...
Lithuanian conjurations (zagovory) constitute a unique part of Lithuanian folklore. In the collectio...
The article provides the analysis of the linguistic picture of mother in contemporary Lithuanian lit...
Dr. Zita Virginija Šimėnaitė (1950–2016) Dr. Zita Šimėnaitė passed away on the 1st of August, 2016....
The meaning of bilingual corpora in the Polish-Lithuanian comparative studiesIn his article, the aut...
This paper reviews the more important standpoints concerning interlinguistic homonymy in a broad sen...
The aim of this research was to establish and describe the most important phonemic patterns of Lithu...
2022 02 07 one of the most famous linguists in the world, founder of Polish cognitive ethnolinguisti...
Jurbarko apylinkių tekstai. Sudarė Vilija Sakalauskienė, kompaktinė plokštelė sudarė Asta Leskauskai...
Pointing to manifold and long-lasting connections between feminism and translation, the article first...
All dialects are beautifulThe text presents the publication Visos tarmės gražiausios… Tarmių medžiag...
Review This text is a review of the Lithuanian language monumental work entitled XXI a. pradžios li...
The feminist interpretation of The Dictionary of the language of Jan Chryzostom Pasek consisted in s...
The names of values in the linguistic worldview of LithuaniansReviewKristina Rutkovska, Marius Smeto...
This article presents selected aspects of grammatical gender by addressing the issue of gender in di...