Tyrimai atlikti 2008 m. LŽŪU medelyne įvertinant pirmamečių kriaušaičių, skiepytų į Pyrus pyraster Burgsd. ir Cydonia oblonga Mill. poskiepius, augimo dinamiką ir biometrinius rodiklius. Tirtos pirmamečių kriaušaičių veislės Suvenirs, Kafedralna, Kleboninė, Concorde ir Mramornaja, skiepytos į sėklinį Pyrus pyraster poskiepį ir veislė Kafedralna, skiepyta į Cydonia oblonga poskiepį. Analizuojant bandymą buvo atsižvelgiama į pagrindinius biometrinius skiepų rodiklius: aukštį, kamienėlių skersmenį, skiepų lapų masę ir lapų paviršiaus plotą. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad aukščiausi medeliai užaugo Suvenirs ir Kafedralna veislės, skiepytos į sėklinį Pyrus pyraster poskiepį. Storiausi kamienėliai buvo ΄Mramornaja΄, ΄Kleboninės΄ ir ΄Kafedralna΄ skiepyto...
Skirtingų medžių radialiojo prieaugio savitumai ir jų priklausomybė nuo įvairių veiksnių. 23 auganči...
High density planting systems are a prerequisite to economise the use of land and labour costs of or...
Pear belongs to the Rosaceae family as most of the cultivated fruit trees. It is the second fruit tr...
The study was conducted in two successive years to examine the capacity of formation of sylleptic sh...
The pear comes early in production, produces a lot and constantly, ensuring fresh fruit consumption ...
Aim of the study – to evaluate the phenotypic variability of the wild apple and the wild pear in the...
The aim of this study was to evaluate flowering, yielding, fruit quality, and growth of several less...
The study was conducted in 2001–2012 next to Wrocław (southwestern Poland). The purpose of this rese...
The study was conducted in 2001–2012 next to Wrocław (south-western Poland). The purpose of this res...
Pear extension is a necessity for our country. There are many areas favourable for the pear species ...
The present work had as objective to evaluate the development of vegetation, phenology and the produ...
A two-year field study was conducted to examine the capacity of spontaneous formation of long syllep...
Pear production has the greatest economic importance next to the apple and plum production in Republ...
2009 – 2011m. LAMMC Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institute tirta kriaušių (P. communis) rizogenez...
Five years research of the biological and pomological characteristics of some pear varieties are pre...
Skirtingų medžių radialiojo prieaugio savitumai ir jų priklausomybė nuo įvairių veiksnių. 23 auganči...
High density planting systems are a prerequisite to economise the use of land and labour costs of or...
Pear belongs to the Rosaceae family as most of the cultivated fruit trees. It is the second fruit tr...
The study was conducted in two successive years to examine the capacity of formation of sylleptic sh...
The pear comes early in production, produces a lot and constantly, ensuring fresh fruit consumption ...
Aim of the study – to evaluate the phenotypic variability of the wild apple and the wild pear in the...
The aim of this study was to evaluate flowering, yielding, fruit quality, and growth of several less...
The study was conducted in 2001–2012 next to Wrocław (southwestern Poland). The purpose of this rese...
The study was conducted in 2001–2012 next to Wrocław (south-western Poland). The purpose of this res...
Pear extension is a necessity for our country. There are many areas favourable for the pear species ...
The present work had as objective to evaluate the development of vegetation, phenology and the produ...
A two-year field study was conducted to examine the capacity of spontaneous formation of long syllep...
Pear production has the greatest economic importance next to the apple and plum production in Republ...
2009 – 2011m. LAMMC Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institute tirta kriaušių (P. communis) rizogenez...
Five years research of the biological and pomological characteristics of some pear varieties are pre...
Skirtingų medžių radialiojo prieaugio savitumai ir jų priklausomybė nuo įvairių veiksnių. 23 auganči...
High density planting systems are a prerequisite to economise the use of land and labour costs of or...
Pear belongs to the Rosaceae family as most of the cultivated fruit trees. It is the second fruit tr...