Pavėsinis kietis (Artemisia dubia Wall.) yra retai Lietuvoje sutinkamas daugiametis žolinis augalas. Augalas auginamas energetiniais tikslais, nes per trumpą laiką geba sukaupti didelį kiekį biomasės. Pavėsinis kietis priklauso Artemisia genčiai, kuri plačiai žinoma dėl savo vertingų fitocheminių savybių, todėl yra ir patrauklus biotechnologinių tyrimų objektas. Naudojant spektrofotometrinius tyrimo metodus buvo įvertintas bendras fenolinių junginių kiekis (naudojant Folin-Ciocalteu reagentą), bendras flavonoidų kiekis (naudojant AlCl3 reagentą) bei nustatytas radikalų surišimo aktyvumas (naudojant DPPH reagentą). Visi didžiausi rodikliai buvo gauti netręštuose mėginiuose iš Trakų Vokės, pavėsinio kiečio intensyvaus augimo laikotarpiu, taip...
The antibacterial activity and phytochemical composition of aerial parts of Artemisia annua was eval...
Background: Throughout history pathogenic microorganisms cause infectious diseases. Medicinal herbs ...
The objectives of this reserch were to determine the antibacterial activity of hexane-petroleum ethe...
Plant biotechnology is one of the most fast-moving areas of biotechnology. The area of plant biotech...
Energy crops are crops that produce large amounts of biomass and belong to one of the fastest growin...
Lietuvoje pavėsinis kietis auginamas biokuro gamybai. Azotu šis augalas tręšiamas siekiant padidinti...
ONLINE ISSN: 2335-8718Energy crops are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. These plan...
Energy crops are becoming more popular in today's world. Many of these plants are not examined well ... metabolites e...
Artemisia annua, u narodu poznata kao slatki pelin, je zeljasta biljka iz familije Asteraceae. Od da...
Artemisia annua, u narodu poznata kao slatki pelin, je zeljasta biljka iz familije Asteraceae. Od da...
Artemisia annua, u narodu poznata kao slatki pelin, je zeljasta biljka iz familije Asteraceae. Od da...
Leidinys:ėjantis susidomėjimas atsi...
The Artemisia L. genus comprises over 500 species with important medicinal and economic attributes. ...
Background: Throughout history pathogenic microorganisms cause infectious diseases. Medicinal herbs ...
The antibacterial activity and phytochemical composition of aerial parts of Artemisia annua was eval...
Background: Throughout history pathogenic microorganisms cause infectious diseases. Medicinal herbs ...
The objectives of this reserch were to determine the antibacterial activity of hexane-petroleum ethe...
Plant biotechnology is one of the most fast-moving areas of biotechnology. The area of plant biotech...
Energy crops are crops that produce large amounts of biomass and belong to one of the fastest growin...
Lietuvoje pavėsinis kietis auginamas biokuro gamybai. Azotu šis augalas tręšiamas siekiant padidinti...
ONLINE ISSN: 2335-8718Energy crops are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. These plan...
Energy crops are becoming more popular in today's world. Many of these plants are not examined well ... metabolites e...
Artemisia annua, u narodu poznata kao slatki pelin, je zeljasta biljka iz familije Asteraceae. Od da...
Artemisia annua, u narodu poznata kao slatki pelin, je zeljasta biljka iz familije Asteraceae. Od da...
Artemisia annua, u narodu poznata kao slatki pelin, je zeljasta biljka iz familije Asteraceae. Od da...
Leidinys:ėjantis susidomėjimas atsi...
The Artemisia L. genus comprises over 500 species with important medicinal and economic attributes. ...
Background: Throughout history pathogenic microorganisms cause infectious diseases. Medicinal herbs ...
The antibacterial activity and phytochemical composition of aerial parts of Artemisia annua was eval...
Background: Throughout history pathogenic microorganisms cause infectious diseases. Medicinal herbs ...
The objectives of this reserch were to determine the antibacterial activity of hexane-petroleum ethe...