Hand hygiene compliance is one of the most important factors to prevent healtcare associated infections (HAI), which can cause unnessesary suffering, prelonged insitutional care, invalidity and higher mortality rate. It has been shown that despite regulations for hygiene compliances in healthcare, these are used unadequately. HAI affects 5-10 % of all patients in industrailized countries, in development countries the number is estimated to be up to 20 times higher. The aim of this study was to illustrate healthcareworkers hygiene compliances in patient care at a rural healthcarecentre in western India. Participant observation was used as a method, fieldnotes was taken for qualitative analysis. As a result of the analysis five fields emerged...
Background: Although there is advancement in the health-care system, the rates of hospital-acquired ...
Bakgrund Kunskapen om att vården orsakar skador har ökat men behöver ständigt förbättras. God tilläm...
OBJECTIVE: The hands of healthcare workers often transmit pathogens causing nosocomial infections. T...
Hand hygiene compliance is one of the most important factors to prevent healtcare associated infecti...
Poor hand hygiene compliance by health care professionals is the cause of almost 45% of the hospital...
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att redogöra för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens följsamhet till ...
En god handhygien är en av de viktigaste faktorerna för att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner som...
Aim To describe self-reported practices and assess knowledge and attitudes regarding hand hygiene am...
Introductions: Transmission of healthcare associated infections through contaminated hands of health...
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are a problem in health care worldwide. In Sweden 7-8% of all...
Hand hygiene (HH) is one of the most effective methods to prevent transmission and spread of microor...
Introduction: Hospital-acquired infections complicate 7%–10% of hospital admissions. Patients in the...
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is a great issue to concern in healthcare services because i...
Abstract Background: Hand hygiene is the simplest and most effective preventive measures to reduce c...
Vårdpersonalens följsamhet av handhygienrutiner påverkar bakteriers smittspridning. Vikten av en god...
Background: Although there is advancement in the health-care system, the rates of hospital-acquired ...
Bakgrund Kunskapen om att vården orsakar skador har ökat men behöver ständigt förbättras. God tilläm...
OBJECTIVE: The hands of healthcare workers often transmit pathogens causing nosocomial infections. T...
Hand hygiene compliance is one of the most important factors to prevent healtcare associated infecti...
Poor hand hygiene compliance by health care professionals is the cause of almost 45% of the hospital...
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att redogöra för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens följsamhet till ...
En god handhygien är en av de viktigaste faktorerna för att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner som...
Aim To describe self-reported practices and assess knowledge and attitudes regarding hand hygiene am...
Introductions: Transmission of healthcare associated infections through contaminated hands of health...
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are a problem in health care worldwide. In Sweden 7-8% of all...
Hand hygiene (HH) is one of the most effective methods to prevent transmission and spread of microor...
Introduction: Hospital-acquired infections complicate 7%–10% of hospital admissions. Patients in the...
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is a great issue to concern in healthcare services because i...
Abstract Background: Hand hygiene is the simplest and most effective preventive measures to reduce c...
Vårdpersonalens följsamhet av handhygienrutiner påverkar bakteriers smittspridning. Vikten av en god...
Background: Although there is advancement in the health-care system, the rates of hospital-acquired ...
Bakgrund Kunskapen om att vården orsakar skador har ökat men behöver ständigt förbättras. God tilläm...
OBJECTIVE: The hands of healthcare workers often transmit pathogens causing nosocomial infections. T...