This book is the first accessible introduction in English to Tertullian's works, providing translations of Adversus Iudaeos (Against the Jews), Scorpiace (Antidote for the Scorpion's Sting) and De Verginibus Velandis (On the Veiling of Virgins). Tertullian (c. AD 160 - 225) was one of the first theologians of the Western Church and ranks among the most prominent of the early Latin fathers. His literary output is wide-ranging, and provides an invaluable insight into the Christian Church in the crucial period when the Roman Empire was in decline. These crucial works studied, together with Geoffrey D. Dunn's comprehensive commentary, illuminate the early church's reaction to paganism, Judaism, Scripture, and its development of a distinctive ...
Tertullian is often portrayed as a prescient figure who accurately anticipated the Nicene consensus ...
Contains fulltext : mmubn000001_078211425.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)...
Tertullian in his works referred to controversial issues which had happened during persecution of th...
Tertullian's Aduersus Iudaeos (Against the Jews) is one of the most controversial works of early Chr...
The theologian Tertullian (c.160-c.230 CE) was a prominent voice in early western Christianity, writ...
This study examines Tertullian’s references to the New Testament outside the Gospels, in order to de...
Tertullian of Carthage was the earliest Christian writer to argue against abortion at length, and th...
Tertullian understood the apostle Paul to have suggested there would always be heretics (1 Cor. 11:1...
The aim of this work is to introduce the person of Tertullian, an early Christian apologet from the ...
The theologian Tertullian (c.160-c.230 CE) was a prominent voice in early western Christianity, writ...
The knowledge of Tertullian’s works increased very much, in the sixteenth Century, thanks to Rhenanu...
The analysis of the writings of Tertullian at an angle of his attitude towards women encounters a lo...
The thesis deals with Tertullian's Apologeticum in contemporary context. The work is divided into fo...
son of a centurion.1 Whether or not he was in fact a jurist, his logical argumentation and piercing ...
Tertullian\u27s Apologeticum is justly renowned. It is renowned because of its author, Tertullian, w...
Tertullian is often portrayed as a prescient figure who accurately anticipated the Nicene consensus ...
Contains fulltext : mmubn000001_078211425.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)...
Tertullian in his works referred to controversial issues which had happened during persecution of th...
Tertullian's Aduersus Iudaeos (Against the Jews) is one of the most controversial works of early Chr...
The theologian Tertullian (c.160-c.230 CE) was a prominent voice in early western Christianity, writ...
This study examines Tertullian’s references to the New Testament outside the Gospels, in order to de...
Tertullian of Carthage was the earliest Christian writer to argue against abortion at length, and th...
Tertullian understood the apostle Paul to have suggested there would always be heretics (1 Cor. 11:1...
The aim of this work is to introduce the person of Tertullian, an early Christian apologet from the ...
The theologian Tertullian (c.160-c.230 CE) was a prominent voice in early western Christianity, writ...
The knowledge of Tertullian’s works increased very much, in the sixteenth Century, thanks to Rhenanu...
The analysis of the writings of Tertullian at an angle of his attitude towards women encounters a lo...
The thesis deals with Tertullian's Apologeticum in contemporary context. The work is divided into fo...
son of a centurion.1 Whether or not he was in fact a jurist, his logical argumentation and piercing ...
Tertullian\u27s Apologeticum is justly renowned. It is renowned because of its author, Tertullian, w...
Tertullian is often portrayed as a prescient figure who accurately anticipated the Nicene consensus ...
Contains fulltext : mmubn000001_078211425.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)...
Tertullian in his works referred to controversial issues which had happened during persecution of th...