Subducted serpentinites have the potential to control the exchange of volatile and redox sensitive elements (e.g., Fe, S, C, N) between the slab, the mantle wedge and the deep mantle. Here we examine the mobility of iron and zinc in serpentinite-derived fluids by using their stable isotopes (δ56Fe and δ66Zn) in high-pressure subducted meta-serpentinites from the Cerro del Almirez massif (Spain). This massif preserves a metamorphic front between antigorite (Atg-serpentinite) and antigorite-olivine-orthopyroxene (transitional lithologies) -bearing serpentinites, and chlorite-bearing harzburgite (Chl-harzburgite), displaying granofels, spinifex and fine-grained recrystallized textures. Those rocks were formed at eclogite facies conditions (1....