Decay of charged Higgs boson in a scenario of SUSY breaking inspired neutrino mass

  • Cho, Gi-Chol
  • Kaneko, Satoru
  • Omote, Aya
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Publication date
September 2007
Elsevier BV
Physics Letters B
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6 pages, 3 figures.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000249488600020.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: online 19 July 2007.In some class of supersymmetric models, small neutrino mass is given as a consequence of the supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. Phenomenologically interesting features of this scenario are as follows: (i) the right-handed sneutrino mass could be as low as TeV scale due to the Giudice-Masiero mechanism, and (ii) a scalar trilinear interaction of Higgs-slepton-(right-handed)-sneutrino could be sizable without suppression by the small neutrino Yukawa coupling. We study some phenomenological aspects of this scenario focusing on the scalar trilinear interaction. We show that the 1-loop correc...

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