Editor's Page -- Sunday Hunting correspondence -- Lighthouses letter -- Osprey Nesting Platforms -- Harold Peters and Roger Tory Peterson photo page -- Waterfowl Banding, Carmanville 1987 -- Flosculous Snippets -- Decoying Bald Eagles -- Fall Migration (1987) in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon -- Bird Report for October-December 1987 -- Pippy Park Development Plan 1986 SummaryFrequency: 3 times a year, 1970-present. -- Nature Newfoundland and Labrador was previously known as the Newfoundland Natural History Society and the Natural History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador.The Osprey (1970-present) is a provincial nature journal and the main publication of Nature Newfoundland and Labrador, a province-wide organization with a primary interest in ...