Editorial -- Articles: An Examination of the Pointe Shoe as Artifact through Ethnographic and Gender Analysis by Kristin M. Harris -- Life and Work in the Brigus Knitting Mills, 1953-1970 by Peggy Hogan -- L'espace domestique comme source biographique : le cas de la maison d'Alphonse et de Dorimène Desjardins à Lévis by Geneviève Roy -- Régimes de vérité et quête de l'origine : marché et monde des objets dans la Roumanie post-communiste by Sabina Elena Stan -- Forget-Me-Nots: Victorian Women, Mourning, and the Construction of a Feminine Historical Memory by Melissa Zielke -- Research Report: Metallurgic Analysis of Slag Samples from a Seventeenth-Century Blacksmith Shop in Ferryland, Newfoundland by Cathy Mathias, Matthew Carter, Barry Gau...