Ernest Edward Forward with his dog and cows

  • Rorke Family


Ernest Forward holding a shovel, with two cows and his dog, Tricksee, outside in his garden during the winter. His house is behind him to the left, and Member of the House of Assembly for Carbonear John R. Goodison's house is in the middle.Cataloguer's title.Ernest Edward Forward (1859-1944), son of Capt. Mark William Forward and Mary (Bemister) Forward, was born at Carbonear on 29 May 1859. He married Tryphena Butt on 24 June 1885, and had three daughters: Ernestine (Forward) Pike, Hilda Samways (Forward) Pike and Kathleen (Forward) Rorke. Ernest Forward died on 14 April 1944.The Rorke Family Photograph Collection contains 301 black and white and 28 colour photographs of the Rorke Family of Carbonear, Newfoundland, as well as the Forward a...

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