评述了A~130过渡区I、Xe、Cs和Ba核的高自旋核结构研究.在这些核中观测到的极为丰富的核结构现象,如质子中子转排竞争、形状共存、带终结、带交叉延迟、Signature反转和八极关联等与这些核的价质子、价中子都位于h11/2支壳及这些核易产生γ形变有关The studies of high spins states of A ~130 transitional I,Xe,Cs and Ba nuclei are reviewed. The variety of nuclear structure, such as proton neutron alignment competition, shape coexistance, band termination, crossing delay, signature inversion, octupole correlation, etc. observed in these nuclei is closely related to that both the valence proton and neutron of these nuclei are located in the h 11/2 subsell and the nuclei are soft against the γ deformation