Revised edition of Joy A. Palmer, ed., Fifty Key Thinkers on the Environment, Routledge, 2001.Emerson once wrote: "Right is a conformity to the laws of nature so far as they are known to the human mind." Emerson is a "romantic." Keep "romance" in life, or, we might say, "love life" in its rich fullness. Humans need a deep sense of engagement with the landscape. Nature yields: Commodity; Beauty; Language; and Discipline. Nature's function is linguistic or sacramental. "He who knows the most, he who knows what sweets and virtues are in the ground, the waters, the plants, the heavens, and how to come at these enchantments, is the rich and royal man." Nature is "a vast promise, and will not be rashly explained." She is "fathomless." We only tou...