Acquiring an acceptable amount of vocabulary items so as to speak comfortably and fluently English is one of the needs of the students at the department of English, university of Batna. Actual practices in classrooms, however, reflect a continuing undermining of how to acquire vocabulary and how to memorize it for any future speaking situation. The present topic of research is an attempt to examine the role that English songs, as the alternative teaching strategy to the Oral Expression course, might have on improving students' achievement in the speaking skill. The results obtained have shown that applying songs as a teaching strategy revealed to be very successful. The students who were taught, Oral Expression, using songs achieved...
In the previous years, the students at the place where the present study was conducted were taught t...
This research was designed to improve students pronunciation at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari, Malang th...
Vocabulary mastery is one of the requirements for students to be able to communicate both in spoken ...
This research is aimed to prove that English songs can be used as interesting tools to teach English...
AbstractThis study is to implement English songs in teaching speaking for English Department student...
This research aims at finding the effectiveness of using song in teaching English at Sulawesi flight...
Through this literature study the writer was trying to solve some problems of student in learning ...
This study is entitled The Use of Song to Improve Student’s Vocabulary in Senior High School Pasund...
This study's objective was to examine how songs were used to teach speaking proficiency to elementar...
The objective of this study is to know how much the improvement of the cadets’ vocabulary achieveme...
This study is talking about improving students’ speaking ability trough songs at grade XI SMK Swasta...
The goal of this study was to know if listening to songs in English can help people improve their pe...
Purpose of the study: This study aims to investigate how the use of songs in English language classr...
The purpose of this study was to think about research to improve students' vocabulary skills by list...
The writer reflected on the problems faced by students in learning English which are because of th...
In the previous years, the students at the place where the present study was conducted were taught t...
This research was designed to improve students pronunciation at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari, Malang th...
Vocabulary mastery is one of the requirements for students to be able to communicate both in spoken ...
This research is aimed to prove that English songs can be used as interesting tools to teach English...
AbstractThis study is to implement English songs in teaching speaking for English Department student...
This research aims at finding the effectiveness of using song in teaching English at Sulawesi flight...
Through this literature study the writer was trying to solve some problems of student in learning ...
This study is entitled The Use of Song to Improve Student’s Vocabulary in Senior High School Pasund...
This study's objective was to examine how songs were used to teach speaking proficiency to elementar...
The objective of this study is to know how much the improvement of the cadets’ vocabulary achieveme...
This study is talking about improving students’ speaking ability trough songs at grade XI SMK Swasta...
The goal of this study was to know if listening to songs in English can help people improve their pe...
Purpose of the study: This study aims to investigate how the use of songs in English language classr...
The purpose of this study was to think about research to improve students' vocabulary skills by list...
The writer reflected on the problems faced by students in learning English which are because of th...
In the previous years, the students at the place where the present study was conducted were taught t...
This research was designed to improve students pronunciation at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari, Malang th...
Vocabulary mastery is one of the requirements for students to be able to communicate both in spoken ...