Letter: To Stewart Udall, from Morris K. Udall, March 29, 1966MORRIS K. UDALL 2D DISTRICT OF ARIZONA 455 HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING April 6 COMMITTEES: INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS POST OFFICE AND CIVIL SERVICE Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 F' Jaccalender OB mie attend B 4/7/66 March 29, 1966 Honorable Stewart L. Udall Secretary Department of the Interior Washington, D. C. Dear Stew: In anticipation of early supplemental hearings before the House Subcommittee on Interior and Insular Affairs concerning the Colorado River Basin bill, we are having a strategy meeting of representatives of the Basin at 8:00 a.m., April 6, in the Presidential Room of the Congressional H...