Document: 89th Congress, 2D Session, H.R. 4671, Recommended Revision, April 25, 1966, page 1515 1 TITLE IV LOWER COLORADO RIVER BASIN DE 2 VELOPMENT FUND: ALLOCATION AND RE 3 PAYMENT OF COSTS: CONTRACTS 4 SEC. 401. (a) There is hereby established a separate 5 fund in the Treasury of the United States, to be known as 6 the Lower Colorado River Basin development fund (here- 7 inafter called the "development fund"), which shall remain 8 available until expended as hereafter provided for carrying 9 out the provisions of title III (except section 308) of this 10 Act. 11 (b) All appropriations made for the purpose of carrying 12 out the aloresaid provisions of title III of this Act shall be 13 credited to the development fund as ...