Document: S. 2760, A Bill To authorize coordinated development of the water resources of the Pacific Southwest, and for other purposes, April 22, 1964, page 1111 1 (2) the water requirements in the upper and 2 lower basins, at present and as estimated for the years 3 anno Domini 1975, 2000, 2030, and under ultimate 4 anticipated conditions; 5 (3) the present and anticipated deficiencies in water 6 supply; 7 (4) the quantities of water which, imported into 8 the Colorado River Basin, would eliminate the said 9 deficiencies; 10 (5) the quantities of water which, imported into 11 the Colorado River Basin, would make possible the 12 consumptive use of 7.5 million acre-feet per annum in 13 the upper basin, and eliminate present an...