Diversion Right (Acre Feet) Arizona California Nevada TOTAL Fort Mohave 96,416 13,698 12,534 122,6481 Chemeheuvi 0 11,340 0 11,340 Colorado River 662,402 54,746 0 717,1481 Yuma 2 51,616 0 51,615 Cocopah 2,744 0 0 2,744 Totale 761,562 131,400 12,534 905,496 1 The Supreme Court did not determine boundaries in cases of controversy. Figures shown are those recommended by the Special Master. 2 Indian Homesteads included with non-Indian lands of Yuma Project (USBR). The average precipitation for the reservations along the Colorado River is so low that almost no grazing is afforded outside the irrigated areas and river bottom lands. Grazing is a very important resource of the tributary reservations. Lands and waters suitable for recreational...