52 PUBLIC WORKS APPROPRIATIONS, 1962 Comparative statement of appropriations for 1961 and the estimates and amounts recommended in the bill for 1962-Con. REGULAR ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS-Continued Item Appropriations, 1961 Budget estimate, 1962 (revised) Recommended in the bill, 1962 Bill compared with- Appropriations, 1961 Estimates, 1962 TITLE II DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION General investigations 7 $5,148,000 8 $6,650,000 $6,523,000 +$1,375,000 -$127,000 General investigations (special foreign currency program) 4,500,000 -4,500,000 Construction and rehabilitation 9 166,744,880 10 155,650,000 153,283,500 -13,461,380 -2,366,500 Operation and maintenance 11 31,991,000 10 37,000,000 36,600,000 +4,609,000 -...