e) The quantity of salt in the drainage waters of the Wellton-Mohawk District will be coordinated to the extent practicable with the Mexican scheduled deliveries at the Northerly boundary by pumping the more saline wells when deliveries are high and the less saline wells when the deliveries are low. The daily quantities of salt discharged from the District should vary with river flows to generally' not' expend the mean-quantities discharged for the corresponding river flows during the period February 11 through September 30, 11964, as reflected by the following table: Wellton-Mohawk District Mean Daily Flow Average Daily Discharge of Salt- 1964 Northerly Boundary Corresponding C.F.S. Tons/Day C.F.S. 1) P.P.M. 1) 1,200 1,850 170 4,000 1,500...