Umax Powerlook 2100XL, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 11,575,392 bytesAgency at Sacaton. Last year seed had to be planted three or four times; grapevines were dying; and it is a matter of record and observation that that land is practically ruined. I know there are many theories as to what the water will do under certain circumstances, but there is recorded evidence. Senator Curtis. How deep are those wells? Mr. Marten. The water level is about 60 feet, but the depth of the well is, I think, 200 feet. Senator Curtis. You say there is alkali in this water, and that it is injurious to the land? Mr. Marten. Yes, sir. Senator Curtis. Your plan would be to use the surface water, which is not alkaline? Mr. Marten. The river water. Senator Curtis. Which is not a...