Zeutschel OS7000, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 8,924,380 bytesThis survey was made wit the plane table and stadia rod, controlled by points located by triangulation from a measured base and bench marks established with a Y-level. The scale adopted was 50 feet to an inch, and the contour interval 2 feet, except where slopes were too precipitous for this interval, when only the 10-foot contours were drawn. (see map 1). After the completion of this survey the reservoir site, to an elevation 200 feet above the bed of the river in the river gorge, was mapped on a scale of 5 inches to a mile in 10-foot contours. For the control of this map a base was measured 3,112 feet long and expanded to neighboring high points, so as to cover most of the reservoir site wi...