Umax Powerlook 2100XL, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 12,304,328 bytesvember 25, 1895, to make the investigation. June 16, 1896, the department, in accordance with the recommendation of this office, set aside the sum of $900 for continuing the investigation during the fiscal year 1897. "November 10, 1896, Mr. Davis submitted his report to the Geological Survey, which may be found in Senate Document No. 27, Fifty-fourth Congress, second session. He indicated three possible methods of obtaining a water supply, viz: (1) Pumping from wells; (2) construction of a large reservoir at the Buttes; (3) construction of Queen Creek Reservoir at an estimated cost of $221,000. The first method he considered impracticable, owing to the prohibitive cost of operation, whi...