OS7000 Zeutschel, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 10,029,464 bytesSTATEMENT OF NORMAN L. BOWMAN, DIRECTOR OF RESOURCES DIVISION, THE NAVAJO TRIBE.--Mr. Bowman. Mr. Chairman. members of the committee, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to be given this opportunity to testify on the Navajo Indian irrigation project in behalf of 120,000 Navajo people. The Navajo Tribe wholeheartedly endorses S. 203. This bill provides additional authorization to allow the orderly continuing development of the Navajo Indian irrigation project. It provides for the inclusion of sufficient land areas so that the project goal of 110,630 irrigated acres may be obtained. It updates the construction authorization from the basis of June 1969 prices to that January 1966. And it provi...